Completion date: December 17, 2018 Changes to the script (Dec 14 2018): 1. Used Date format to compare dates. 2. Show message for update AR if the date is overdue and due today. Changes to the script (Dec 17 2018): 1. Corrected the ws.max_row+1 to ws.max_row. 2. Changed to loop from bottom up (so the the newest records gets checked first) =========== The script =========== #! python3 -- Modified on Dec 17 2018 import openpyxl import tkinter.messagebox from datetime import date import os #Get the workbook, worksheet file = "AR.xlsx" wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file) ws = wb['Sheet1'] #Iterate through the rows of column "Next update on" = Column D = 4, from bottom up (the newest record to oldest) for i in range(ws.max_row, 2, -1): next_update_datetime = ws.cell(row=i, column=4).value if (next_update_datetime is n...
Let's believe in Evolution
My motto: No matter how hard it is or how stupid the attempt sounds, I always remind myself to believe in evolution. Evolution is always on my mind.
My Invention Stories is a website to document my creations. Based in Hong Kong, the creations/inventions are based on what I desire for some good use.